3 Common Methods of Flat Roofing
Our Specialists Dealing with Residential Roofing Repairs Can Tell You All You Need to Know about Flat Roofs
When maintaining your roof, regardless of its type, it is important to identify the cause of a leak before you call specialists providing residential roofing repairs to fix it. Today, we will talk about the three most common methods of flat roofing.
1. Fiberglass
Felt roofs can last up to 30 years if they are installed properly. They are suitable for new buildings, major refurbishments, and even extensions. High-performance felts are not only durable but are also budget-friendly. If you are looking for the best value for money, this is the solution you should be looking for. With this method a single, double or a three-layer application is applied, depending on the condition of the roof. Felt roofing is the preferred choice for most homeowners because of its low maintenance, the option for color choice finishing and the ability to be applied to various surfaces.
2. Felt
This solution is ideal for areas with rough weather conditions. When covered with a non-slip finish, it can become even more visually appealing than it actually is. With this roofing system, the roof surface and edge details form a continuous membrane which helps the new formed roof deck to prevent the formation of any visible felt roof joints.
3. Single ply
Applying a single ply roofing membrane may be quite beneficial for you as a property owner. This is the main reason why families choose this option in the first place. Despite being very convenient, installing it is fairly easy and will not consume much of your contractor’s time. It is done by using flames/bitumen. Even surfaces which are naturally curved can look smooth after the installation of this flat roofing.
If you are searching for a residential roofing repairs specialist to help you make your choice, you should definitely contact A-Towne Builders. We are a roofing company based in Birmingham AL that is ready to answer all of your questions anytime you call (205) 545-4146!