Our Commercial Remodeling Contractor Knows Which Are the Most Suitable Colors for Your Office

We all know that colors can greatly influence our mood, so believe it or not, choosing the paint color for your office remodeling project is one of the toughest tasks that lays ahead of you! If you want to make sure that you have done the right choice, we strongly recommend you to read the following post which describes how the most common colors influence your working mood! According to our commercial remodeling contractor the basic colors provoke:

  • Indigo blue: imagination, intuition, integrity, wisdom and knowledge. The most suitable color for accent walls in the office building of any type of company.
  • Turquoise and light blue: creativity, patience, kindness, clarity, calm, and peace. This color is perfect for offices where customer service operators dealing with complaints work. It will make them feel relaxed no matter how severe the problems they have to deal with are.
  • Green: compassion, growth, healing, comfort, renewal. peace, balance. This color is both suitable for common rooms where your employees can relax and the waiting room where your customers have to stay in line.
  • Yellow or orange: confidence, wisdom, optimism, warmth, curiosity, friendliness, enthusiasm, energy, etc. Perfect for art studios or office spaces where young and creative teams are working.
  • Red: confidence, courage, trust, power, etc. This color is suitable for confident businesses that want to provoke trust in their brand.
  • Black, brown, grey, dark purple: These colors are very dark which makes them unsuitable for an office interior. Avoid using them in your remodel!