Comparison between Different Types of Roofing Materials

What Materials to Choose When Considering to Book Residential Roofing Repairs

Repairing or replacing a roof is probably one of the most labor intensive and costly home upgrade projects. In order to do it right and fit in your budget, you will need to know more about the types of roofing materials the market currently offers as well as their characteristics. The residential roofing repairs specialists of A-Towne Builders have created the following list to help you compare your options:

Asphalt shingles

  • The cheapest option on the market, so they are extremely affordable.
  • They can survive more than 20 years.
  • They are a good option for sheds and residential property roofing.

Solar shingles

  • An expensive investment which pays off with up to 60% by reducing the utility bills you normally pay.
  • They can survive more than 25 years.
  • They are ideal for green modern city homes.

Metal roofing shingles

  • They cost a bit more in comparison to asphalt shingles
  • They can survive up to 50 years.
  • They are ideal for residential properties in places with hot climates

Wood roofing shingles

  • They are a bit more expensive than the metal roofing materials.
  • They can survive more than 25 years.
  • They are ideal for covering the roofs of residential properties, country houses, and cottages.

Tile roofing

  • The most common types of roof tiles offered on the market are: Spanish barrel-style tile and flat concrete or clay tiles.
  • They cost more than all the materials that have already been listed, but they provide both weather and fire protection.
  • They can survive more than 50 years.

Slate roofing

  • Natural and synthetic slate materials are pretty expensive which makes them inappropriate for homeowners on budget.
  • They usually have a life warranty (more than 60 years).
  • They have a high durability and historic look.

Remember that a roof is only as good as the company that installs it. So when choosing a contractor to perform residential roofing repairs at your property, you have to refer to recommended companies only. You can call our team if you are located in Birmingham AL.

Our office number is (205) 545-4146!