How to Light up Your Home

You Home Remodeler Can Help You Upgrade Your Home Lighting

Home upgrading is not just about creating room additions, replacing your roof, and doing major repairs. Your home remodeler can also deal with small changes like lighting upgrades, kitchen countertops replacement, or even interior painting of a single wall. Today, we are going to discuss a home upgrade project that may not look that big but is definitely something that can make your property seem quite different. That is your lighting!


Here are our tips on how to organize it better:

Living room

  • Use side lamps and table lamps to create a warm atmosphere.
  • Adjust the brightness of overhead light so that it does not create unflattering shadows.


  • Make sure quality lighting is installed in the areas where you are usually preparing food. It is important that you see everything well while cooking.
  • Use dim lighting on the dining room area to create a more relaxing atmosphere for your family members and guests.
  • Maximize natural daylight whenever that is possible by ensuring window sills remain uncluttered.


  • It is also a good idea to maximize the natural sunlight in your bathroom as much as you can although these rooms rarely have any windows or even if they do they are often too small.
  • Use light alongside mirrors to create a feeling of space.


  • Ask your home remodeler to install soft-colored lights which will increase the feeling of comfort and relaxation which is what everyone in looking for in a bedroom.
  • Avoid getting bright lights installed near your bed.
  • Bedside lamps are the perfect solution for those of you who enjoy reading before going to bed.

If you have interesting ideas about upgrading your home lighting but you are looking for a reliable home remodeler who can help you put your ideas into reality, A-Towne Builders is the right contractor to call! Our team is based in Birmingham AL and can be reached at (205) 545-4146! Call us now to learn more about our latest special deals you can take advantage of!