Ten Interesting Facts about Hiring a Home Remodeler

  1. Only 43% of the homeowners and tenants who hired a home remodeler over the last year needed small repairs or maintenance. The majority of the people wanted to increase the value of their homes through room additions, adding exterior insulation, etc.
  2. The most popular type of renovation sought in 2013 was a complete single room renovation. More than 30% of remodeling enthusiasts did that.
  3. The most common renovation project nowadays is floor resurfacing and hard floor installation, painting, and wallpapering.
  4. More than 40% of the people who did a home renovation used only the services of a licensed contractor, while another 32% preferred to do part of the work themselves.
  5. Only 72% of the homeowners who used professional services had a written agreement upfront.
  6. Almost half of the people who have planned their renovation budget in advance claimed that they managed to fit in it, while another 35% claimed that they have exceeded the amount which they planned to spend when their home renovation begun.
  7. Equal amount of people used their personal savings (20%) and a bank loan (20% as well) to fund their remodeling project.
  8. Homeowners who used their savings for the remodeling spent less than the ones who counted on their line of credit.
  9. In the beginning of 2014, more than 30% of the local homeowners claimed that they intend to do some home remodeling. Most projects are quite small, however.
  10. The group of people that are most interested in doing some home renovations are aged between 24 and 44, while those who are over 54 do not consider home remodeling a primary concern.