Tips to Help You Build a Roof Deck
We All Love Summer Room Additions! Learn How to Create One!
In our post today, we are going to provide you with some useful pieces of advice on how to create a rooftop deck. From all of the urban room additions you can consider during the summer, this will provide you with the most rewarding results. Here is how you can create your own little paradise in the city center:
A walkable surface
- Ensure sustainability. The first thing that you have to do is to make sure that the roof slopes are at least ? inches per foot. If you don’t do it, the water may pool and leak into the building you live in.
- Lay down a base surface. You can use sheet vinyl membranes as they serve to waterproof and protect the roof surface. Many local building and remodeling contractors make these, so you need to do a careful research in order to hire the most reliable and affordable one.
- You may have to buy tiles. Some of the membranes can be used on their own and some require additional tiling. This entirely depends on your preference.
A floating deck
- Floating decks are usually wooden, and the wooden boards are placed on the top of the sleepers.
- The roof surface should be treated with a waterproofing layer usually made from modified bitumen.
- Install the sleepers. These are 2×6” pieces of lumber which need to be laid flat every 16” on the top of the roof. This will be the surface to which the decking has to be attached.
- Get your approved decking material. You need to first get the list of approved decking materials from your local building department.
- The decking should be cut into boards. Before attaching these boards, lay them down to see how you would like your deck to look when the job gets done.
- Attach the boards to where they meet the sleepers not to the roof directly.
- When designing the deck panels, be careful, as they need to be lifted with minimal effort and should not get damaged while you repair or clean the membrane below.
If you need help with all this, do not hesitate to contact A-Towne Builders of Birmingham AL! We can design and build any type of room additions in order to upgrade your home. Call (205) 545-4146 now and we will tell you more about our special deals!