
Tips to Help You Get a Building Permit

Our Construction Company Knows Everything about the Documentation You Need to Prepare before Beginning a Home Building or Reconstruction Project

Most jurisdictions require that individuals or families that intend to begin a home building or reconstruction project all need to obtain a permit. Of course, when speaking about minor renovations, this rule does not apply. As a construction company that has been in business for many years, A-Towne Builders already knows what does it take to obtain such a permit, and today is your lucky day as we intend to share our knowledge with you. Read this post to its very end, and you will find out everything about the legal aspects of home building and reconstruction!

When is a building permit required?
Permits are usually required for the following:
– Construction of new buildings
– Renovations and additions
– Plumbing system and repairs
– Electrical systems and repairs
– Gas line pressure tests
– HVAC systems

Who can obtain building permits?
A property owner who presently occupies or intends to occupy a Single Family residence may obtain a permit to reconstruct or repair it.
Licensed building contractors can obtain permits within the limits established for their licenses.

It is not always the property owner’s responsibility to provide plans and obtain a building permit. This may be a duty of your construction company. In order to find out more about who should take care of that and whether you actually need a permit to start your home upgrade or construction project, visit the official local government website. There you can also file for a permit application. If you are lucky, you may even obtain your permit at the same day of the application.

In order to find out more about the building permit requirements in Birmingham AL, you can also contact our team at (205) 545-4146. We will be happy to help you, as long as your problem is within our competence!